Quietspace Peel’n’Stick Tiles Pack of 6 Tiles


Reduce reverberated noise and add a vibrant feature to your environment with Quietspace Composition Peel’n’Stick Tiles. Transform your walls into acoustic notice boards that are both velcro and pinnable with this easy DIY solution. Quietspace Composition Peel and Stick Tiles are made from 100% polyester fibre, with 60% recycled content. 

Peel n Stick Tiles Data Sheet
Peel n Stick Tiles Installation
Peel n Stick Tiles Colours

Size: 10mm x 600 x 600
Qty: Box of 6 tiles, 2.16m2 coverage
Lead time: 3 - 7 days / 6 Packs in stock 
Shipping: Standard shipping rates apply

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