Ecoustic Domino Tile


The Ecoustic Domino Tile is an easy to install acoustic tile with an award-winning timeless design in 34 colours; Support Australian Business with this product. 

Made of 100% PET with up to 80% recycled content, they are Recyclable, Low VOC, Safe to Handle, Non-toxic, Non-irritant and Non-allergenic. Endorsed with Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) & Greentag Level A Certified.

Ecoustic Domino Tile Brochure
Ecoustic Domino Tile Installation
Ecoustic Domino Tile Colours

Dimensions: 500 x 250 x 32mm depth.
Colours: 34 
Qty: 16 Tiles per box same colour
Coverage: 2m2 per box 
Lead time: 4-6 weeks
Shipping: Standard shipping rate applies  

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